Where there are support groups for a wife that has a husband that's addicted?”


I wish addicts who don't have health insurance could get the same treatment options as those who do.”


I wish I'd known how ignorant prosecutors are of the disease of addiction and the need for treatment instead of jail or prison. Medical examiners aren't keeping up with the dangerous drugs that the DEA can't even keep up with. Court systems don't keep up with the science of addiction, so defendants can't defend themselves to get treatment. No wonder our prisons are too crowded. And no wonder people in jail or prison can't rehabilitate.”


more about this problem before it got so bad. It seems so sudden, but I know now that it was not.”


I wish I knew why the conversations around the disease or addiction are so different than the conversations we have about any other disease. This problem is rampant throughout our community, not only with the public, but also with professionals in the field. If you believe the disease model of addiction please check your vocabulary. Take out terms like, "Dictating treatment," calling people "addicts," and assuming that long term treatment is the only thing that will help. (1) A person has the right to choose their treatment path for any health issue, including addiction. (2) Do we refer to a person who has HIV as "an infected?" These are human beings with a health issue. They are not their disease. (3) Yes, a longer length of stay could benefit some, however; for most other health issues long term treatment on an outpatient basis is what is clinically indicated - managed, not cured. These are just a few things that come to mind. I wish we could all get on the same page. ”


more about how to talk to my children in a non-threatening non lecturing way about the effects of drugs.”


That I was destroying my liver and kidneys with the fistfulls of pills & mixtures of substances. In spite of the fact that I never did O.D. when my doses could kill several people, I've got something worse. Lifelong issues that are only going to get very serious 50 years from now when I'm old.”


Why people so readily want to talk about opus addiction but not alcohol addiction. I would guess most drug addicts used alcohol to medicate first. Somehow the abuse of alcohol continues to be overlooked as people sip their drinks and discuss our heroin problem. Let's talk about why people feel the need to medicate.”


Okay so here it is. I am tYou want to make a change her is one for you. I wish I knew why this happens. State of Maryland allowing these drug addict mother to keep spitting out babies. I mean one baby okay but 8 freaking kids. Really come on. They need. There butts kicked something. Yes I am very emotional at this moment. Yes I am mad as hell. It's okay have your baby, will tie up the state money some more to take of them. Go ahead have another one. Go to another state have this child that state let mother take them home. Mother can't deal with screaming crying baby "I need a hit" gets high leave baby unattended, beats baby, maybe even kill them or wait I can't afford a hit let me pimp my baby out, sell baby whatever. Oh wait it's a crime. Mother gets charged. Why wait until all this happens. Do something before it happens. State of Maryland doesn't recognize a baby until it is born, because they are not human while in uterine. But a human is a person with a heartbeat. Around 2-3 months a fetus has a heartbeat. They are human. Wake up Maryland you talk about the drug problems, but what about the drug born addict babies. What about them? It's is time for me to make a movement. It's time to take a stand not only for drug born addict babies, but the drug problems we face. It should be a mandatory sentence of 2-3 years in prison for given birth to a drug born addict baby. It the punishment should be harder for those the sells it. I am done throwing the mic down away because who cares what I have to say. Unless you know hand why would you. Oh that's right you either play a part, your are one.... ”
